Sunday, February 22, 2009

Perks for Rushing

Today I'm going to be talking mainly about 'Rushing' and sharing with you, a few of my rushing packs and perks I use.

What is rushing? Rushing is a term that somebody came up with to describe shooting while running about and not staying put. Rushing is basically the opposite of sniping or camping.

The trick to being a successful 'rusher' is NOT to rush from point A to point B. No, its about killing any enemy you see while you move about. Always keep yourself mobile and keep a lookout for enemy. Move, move, move.

Basically there is 2 types of rushers. Those who move to get as close to the enemy (for either a knife or a headshot) and those who move to get from one position to another, stopping and shooting, fire and manoeuvre. I would not be explaining the latter because its the normal way of playing and doesn't require any special technique.

If you wish to get close to your enemy for a knife kill you'll need to be a 'Ghost' or a 'Ninja'. Being quick here, is not important. A bullet is faster. Being stealthy... is the key.

The most basic Ghost/Ninja pack is as so...
(Perk 1 can be anything... Triple Stun, Bomb Squad, whatever you like)

My personal pack is this...

Whats the trade off? Damage and Range. M4 has a better range, whereas MP5 has higher damage. With higher range i can engage futher targets... I use abit of the 2 rushing tactics. But i still need more bullets to kill so i put Bandoiler and... i lose a wee bit of mobility.

Recomended Pack
The reason why I've choose MP5 or Uzi to go with the M9 is because they share the same ammo. All three weapons fire the 9mm. The primary weapon can use the handguns ammo, thus you'll get a clip or so extra. Automatic weapons would also be more useful to rushers as you'll get alot of close enconters where you'll need to fire and move at the same time. Spraying beat accurate single shots in close quarters most of the time. (you'll be to panic-ky to aim right)

Silencers isn't there just to look cool. Unlike CS, they actually serve a purpose here in COD4. In Normal mode, with a silencer on, you will not appear as a red dot in the map as you fire. The silencer also decreases muzzle flash and is, obviously, much silent.

Say you are stalking your enemy and you've fired a burst but it missed, there is pretty big chance that your enemy didn't notice that you were firing at him because he didn't hear it... if you have a silencer on. Ahah........ However, with silencers on, your range will be reduced quite significantly, so choose stronger weapons or match it with Stopping Power (which I don't recommend, because you'll lose UAV Jammer).

With a silencer on, you can't attach a Red Dot Sight as well, so choose guns with good iron sights (I prefer the iron sights on the MP5 than the Uzi). Which gun has better iron sights is pretty relative. Different people have different taste, but i prefer ones with a fine and thin foresights (MP5, M16, M4, M14, G3).

Right. Back to Perks.
Some writers would advice you to use Bomb Squad and Deep Penetration, to take out hidden Claymores and C4 to get to a sniper/camper. In the end, you'll still need to shoot the thing and make a loud noise alerting the sniper/camper of you presence. I'd advice you to learn all popular claymore spots and anticipate. It is quite possible to sprint past poorly positioned Claymores. I've included Extreme Conditioning for me to cut the distance between me and my quarry allowing me to catch up with him and to pop his head upclose or tag him with my knife. You can also sprint past fire zones and get to the bomb faster in SnD and Sabotage.

NEVER underestimate UAV Jammer. Its a vital perk for Ghost/Ninja 's everywhere. I've played matches where I order a UAV and see absolutely nothing. Its scary. With UAV Jammer you can rest assured that no one will see you coming. There are cases where I killed people by sneaking behind them with enemy UAV up. They thought i was hacking or something.

Some rushers would use Jaggernaut. Rush straight into an enemy hideout and kill everyone in there and come out still alive (imagine Killhouse). Good idea... if you are playing Normal mode that is. In Hardcore, Jaggernaut is almost redundant. 2 rounds in the chest upclose will kill you. (in Hardcore, snipers can kill Jaggernauts with one clean shot, from any distance)

I advice against using Dead Silence. Its pretty useless. In an experiment with my buddy, we've found that with Dead Silence on your enemy can still hear sprinting noises, knifing and reloads (we used headsets). Whereas while you are crouching, with or without Dead Silence, you'll be as quiet as a cat. So why bother? Just crouch!

So that all about perks for rushing from me. I hope you find this helpful.
For more info on perks, go

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